Certified Athletic Trainer | Educator | Motivator
Sandy Krum

Are You Focused?


The Masters: Augusta, Ga.

I’m thrilled to just have had the opportunity to watch a practice round @ Augusta in preparation for this week’s Masters tournament. Actually, Corporate and I just attended one of the most beautiful golf courses in the world. We made the Southerly jaunt along with hundreds of thousands. The old saying is practice makes perfect, hence my desire to see a practice round. Throughout my years in athletic training rooms and clubhouses around the world, one message has never changed:  Practice like you play and you’ll play like you practice!


Focus is the intensity expected every minute you are on that piece of cardio equipment or running trail attacking your workout. When at the gym, there may be several televisions mounted from the ceiling in front of you, one usually with sports and the other showing mindless news from a distant land. Yes, there’s a clicker available, but only for those who are not focused and are there for the wrong reasons. You DID NOT come here to watch TV! For me, it’s hard enough to stay focused on my breathing, my GAIT, my stride length, my posture, and everything else I need to concentrate on to make this the best workout without these distractions.

This morning’s LA TIMES was so hard to read without my glasses. I usually read the local paper first thing and then further attack anything that sparks my interest via the web and other media outlets. I know the newsprint and format are of legit quality and the lighting in my apartment is cool. The problem I may be having you ask? Auspiciously, perhaps with a little more FOCUS, I can fix this with a quick visit to either an ophthalmologist or an optometrist. This is an opportune time to introduce you to Dr. Michael Peters of Raleigh, North Carolina. Mike and I worked together while in baseball at AA Zebulon. He was instrumental in making our championship team click, especially when it came to the players we had wearing contact lenses. We really were fortunate to have Mike available, especially with his interest in sports vision and ability to translate that passion into helping our hitters see the ball to the BEST of their ability, day and night! Easier said than done, but perfected by Peters. He currently oversees care of the NHL’s Carolina Panthers.

To give you an idea, in his latest book, ‘See to Play’, eminent optometrist Michael Peters, addresses every aspect of this vital component of elite athletics. Included in his writing are in-depth discussions of all facets of vision accompanied by myriad of exercises to help athletes hone and condition peripheral vision, acuity, speed of focus, eye-hand-body coordination, and more. His techniques also help the older veteran athlete play young and the weekend warrior gain the edge! Constructed for athletes of all ages, this essential book will truly enhance you or your child athlete’s ability to see to play! I really enjoyed the read and think there’s something for everyone here!


For me, workouts are planned out by writing an exercise journal daily. With this method, goals are easily attainable. It’s knowing exactly what to accomplish and wanting to be as FOCUSED on the activity as possible, not distracted by something that may inhibit or slow my progress. For those using headphones for the encouraging music, rock on dudes! For those watching those monitors, WRONG! ASK yourself if these media sources are having a positive or negative influence on your training and ability to reach the goal you set out to conquer!

Your focus should be on getting your workout in, perhaps getting to the gym, working out with the utmost intensity for the 90 minutes, and getting out! Are you putting 110% into your training? Is your intensity as great as you want it to be? Are there any distractions in front of you or in your ear that are not allowing you to stay focused?  Stop the distractions, get into the zone, and get the most out of today’s session!


Focus is just as important on the golf course as the best golfers in the world compete. Each of these athletes is focused, not only on their conditioning and workouts, but also in their approach to their initial tee shot, fairway play, and green play. After all, is the goal not to wear the famed Green Jacket? Do you have the same desire for that jacket?

Earlier this week I spoke with John Adam, an ATC and strength/conditioning coach for the PGA Tour and currently at The 2013 Masters. We were introduced many years ago. He comes from the same baseball class as Garafolo, Starr, Monohan, Gieselman,  Buhler, Pursley, Letendre , Spicuza, Mayol and the rest of the athletic training All Stars. The old school gang, if I may. John was another of the fine mentors that played an integral part on my journey as an apprentice and up and comer. “Pristine, well-manicured hedging, and something like ‘Disneyland’ Special!” These are the descriptors Adam’s used to describe the location all ‘GOLF EYES’ will be on for the weekend to come. I have to agree and also throw compliments to the fine staff @ Augusta. What a first class operation! John worked many seasons in MLB, most notably with the Milwaukee Brewers alongside Bob Euker, Robin Yount, Dale Sveum, and who could forget Ben Ogilvie. Euker would often say, “It’s a wonderful day for GOLF!”

John Adam: you taught me so much along the way and I am grateful to you for treating me with the upmost respect from the minute I was introduced to you as a young minor league Athletic Trainer. For this, I say Thank You! Best wishes to you and Biggie (Kent Biggerstaff – same position with the Seniors Champions Tour) as you both continue to keep the finest golfers in the world focused on both the PGA TOUR and SENIORS CHAMPIONS TOUR. Enjoy Augusta and all the best my friends!

For now, I sign off by saying stay FOCUSED on your workout intensity, FOCUS on your eye exercises, and remain focused on that Green Jacket!

Until next time, Best! Sandy

PS: Stay tuned…your introduction to “The Highway” is coming soon and it’s something very special.


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